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Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Member Summary

Public Members

The application status/error code (do not be fooled, this is not the HTTP status code).


The usable response data.


A deprecation message (if the server responded with a "deprecated" header).


Whether the response is an error.


When the response is an error, this contains an error message.

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

Public Members

public code: ResponseStatus source

The application status/error code (do not be fooled, this is not the HTTP status code).

public data: Object | Array | string source

The usable response data.

When the response is an error, this contains the entire parsed response, otherwise it only contains the usable response data. It's most commonly used to map model data to Models.

public deprecated: null | string source

A deprecation message (if the server responded with a "deprecated" header).

public error: boolean source

Whether the response is an error.

public message: string source

When the response is an error, this contains an error message.

This error message can usually give an indication as to what the issue is. The intention is to make the error message nice enough to present to the user, however in the current implementation - that is not recommended. Instead, construct your own messages from the Response.code.