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Member Summary

Public Members

The workflow step's unique identifier.


An optional name for the step.


The absolute numeric position of the workflow step in the workflow.


The state/visibility state of the workflow.


The users in the workflow step.

Public Members

public id: string source

The workflow step's unique identifier.

public name: string source

An optional name for the step.

For backwards compatibility reasons, the approver step's name is always "primary_email", and cannot be modified. Yeah, sorry about that. For this reason, the approver step's name should never be exposed to the user.

public position: number source

The absolute numeric position of the workflow step in the workflow.

Workflow steps are executed in order, and this field determines the absolute position.

Some workflow steps have reserved positions, and there is a limit of 799 steps in a workflow. The approver step is always numeric position "1000", and there is a dynamic step which can be added when a workflow has reached the approver, which is always numeric position "900". Positions between 800-1000 are reserved.

Note: It's also not uncommon to see workflow step positions that are not contiguous. This can occur when steps are removed (due to lack of users in them).

public state: WorkflowStepState source

The state/visibility state of the workflow.

This field is only used in instances of a workflow template. For workflow templates, this value is always {@see WorkflowStepState.NONE}.

public users: Array<WorkflowUser> source

The users in the workflow step.